Hi everyone.
I've got some exciting news! I'm finally able to announce my upcoming projects. The first project I would like to announce is that I'm going to create an animation called Playing with Corpses. It's based on a Gothic/dark comedy style of a dead zombie girl and a ghost girl playing with corpses. It's going to feature a montage of corpses blowing up with explosives, torn a part by a chainsaw and all sorts of crazy stuff. It's going to be like Constructed Madness but a lot more darker and gore! Very exciting!
Another project is that I and a team of animators are going to make an experimental animation. I'll only be partly directing this as well as creating some of the 2D animations that will be featured in it. We're planning to create a short film we're we interview an invisible man. Now, It's an expiremntal film which means that this film will be based more on techniques and methods rather than actural story telling. But it will be a fun project to make.
That's all from today. And as always, have an awesome day everyone. smile emoticon